Step 1

Still Air

The first thing is to do this in a clean area and make sure to have still air (Turn off fans or AC/heat)


Sterilize Everything

Then you're going to clean the whole bag, your hands, and the area you working in with 70% alcohol(Try not to spray the air filter)


Inject LC or LS

Then get your liquid culture or spores and heat the needle with a lighter Inject your bag with the liquid culture or spores


Break and Shake

When your bag is about 20-40% colonized you're going to want to break up the bag and mix it around and let the bag fully recolonize. (make sure not to tug or pull on the bag or it will cause little pin holes in your bag and cause contamination)

Step 5

Letting in Fresh Air

Once fully colonized clean some scissors with 70% alcohol and then cut the top corners leaving the center section of the bag to let in fresh air then the mushrooms will start to grow

Step 6


Wait till your mushrooms are fully grown or when the veils break then you can cut the rest of the top off and harvest your mushrooms 🍄